The GDPR Impact on the HR Department

From awareness to measures to align with the new requirements

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Is your HR department ready for GDPR?

GDPR represents the most important change in the legislation regarding the privacy of the personal data in the last 20 years. It changes the way your HR department manages the personal data of all employees and candidates.

Aligning to the GDPR requirements means you will have to respect new standards for TRANSPARENCY, SECURITY and RESPONSIBILITY.

However, your department’s efforts will have a positive outcome: by respecting the GDPR requirements you will consolidate the trust between you – as data controller, your candidates and employees – as data owners, and the 3rd party companies – as data processors.

Download this eBook and learn more about:

  • What does the GDPR mean from an HR perspective?
  • What are the rights of the data owner?
  • How deep will be the impact on the HR department’s activity?
  • How do you know that your department is prepared for the GDPR?
  • What measures and steps are required for alignment?
  • What are the principles at the heart of GDPR?
  • Which are the challenges arising with the GDPR?