Recruitment remains a hot topic in 2019. The challenge of finding suitable candidates and attracting them is present in all industries, while the compliance requirements of privacy (i.e. GDPR) legislation becomes more stringent.
The current Sincron HR Software platform began in 2006 as a recruiting software solution, a field in which we have accumulated extensive experience. As such, we present here a case study based on the recruitment software components of the current HR platform, providing you a glimpse into the level of complexity we were already tackling at Sincron 10 years ago.
Read in detail about:
1. The problems Romtelecom – the former Romanian national provider of telecommunication services was facing:
2. The solution proposed by Sincron HR Software:
3. The results of the collaboration one year after implementing the recruitment software solution
BONUS Ideas: By providing your specialists with a resource that earns them time for the recruitment process itself, you can improve the quality of recruitment, and avoid the costs of inappropriate employment.